Recreation Soccer

Recreation information

Rec Posting

Hello & Welcome to The Hanover Soccer Club Recreation Program!

The recreation program is made up of several divisions for boys & girls in pre-K thru 6th grade.


  • Div 5 Boys & Girls - 3rd thru 6th grade
  • Div 6 Boys - 1st & 2nd grade
  • Div 6 Girls - 1st & 2nd grade
  • K kids - kindergarten
  • Pre-K

Recreation Program Coordinator (Volunteer Needed)
There are 2 seasons per school year Fall & Spring.
The registration fee for each season is $95.00 per child with a
$10.00 discount for each additional child registered in the Rec program.

The fee is only refundable if a player decides not to play prior to the start of the season.  

All children are required to wear shin guards at practices and games.
Players will not be allowed on any field without them.

Soccer cleats must be worn by players in both Division 5 & 6,
no baseball cleats are permitted.

Pre-K and Kindergarten kids are permitted to wear sneakers instead of cleats, although cleats are recommended.

All players are required to have a soccer ball with them at ALL games & practices.

Division 5 uses a size #4 ball.
Division 6 uses a size #3 ball.
K kids and Pre-K divisions use a size #3 ball

There is a one hour coach led practice per week for all divisions except Pre-K, with games/training sessions on Saturdays.  Division 5 & 6 have an additional 1 hour practice per week let by our Red Bull Club professional trainers.
Practice days and times are based on the coach's discretion, but are held during the week.

We are always in need of Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Division Heads.
Please contact us to volunteer.

HSC receives numerous requests each season for friend or coach pairings.  Though we try and accommodate all requests, only requests for siblings within the same division are guaranteed.  HSC reserves the rights to combine, divide, or eliminate divisions based on the # of registrants.

Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information.