Coach's Corner
Email all secondary card application information to the club for review. Upon approval it will be sent to the MCYSA league contact where it can be signed by the Secondary League Registrar. Once that is completed you’ll recieve the secondary card information for use on game days. Contact us directly to request the required form.

Adding Players & Coaches Procedure
Any teams wishing to add players or coaches must first seek approval from the Director of Travel. All requests need to come from the head coach only. Once approved, they will need to register, and upon payment they will then be permitted to be carded to the team.
(If you have never carded a team before please refer to our carding section.)
What you’ll need for a player;
1. Player Transfer form -Player and Parents to sign. (If parent is also a coach they are required a separate
Player Transfer Form)
2. Medical Release form
3. Player Membership form
4. Copy of Birth certificate Name & Birth date highlighted
5. Completed player pass with picture
6. See team paperwork required below
Paper work for the coaches:
1. Coaches Membership form.
2. Separate Player Transfer
3. SafeSport Certification.
4. Copy of F-License
5. Copy of concussion certificate
6. Completed coach’s pass with picture
7. See team paperwork required below
Paperwork for team:
1. Player or coach needs to be added to SportsConnect
2. Your existing Official Roster
Once this is completed email the forms to the Travel Coordinator. If approved, it will be taken to the District Commissioner to be validated. The whole process may take up to a week and you will receive an email when the player pass and new roster is ready for pickup.
- The final date for paperwork to be in the hands of the club’s League Registrar for the start of the season is at least 14 days in advance of season kick off, for example if the season begins on September 8th the deadline is August 24th.
Since LR’s & DCs operate on a strict first come, first served basis, it is highly recommended that paperwork be in their hands well before that date.
- Card the team early and add players later. It is strongly recommended that coaches immediately schedule a player-parent signing event and determine who will be attending. This should be scheduled at least 2 weeks prior to the season starting. Only those players who will attend that meeting should be placed on the roster submitted to the DC. Other players can be added later. Do not wait for any players as this delay could impact the registration of the team resulting in missed games.
- Carding will continue to be done through HSC and the state platform. Clubs will be informed when the system is up and ready for the new season and all the coaches will have to provide necessary information.
- A few reminders:
- This year two(3) copies of the roster need to be given to the refs before each match.
- Any players that will be participating must be on the roster and have their player card.
- Any coaches that will be participating must be on the roster and have their player card.
- Passes and may not be handwritten.
- Volunteer coaches will have only one pass. Coaches must take their pass from each game they are coaching to the next game. You will need to provide a copy front and back of the valid pass for each additional team when carding to another team.
Corner Flags this season will be located as follows:
- Allegro will be at Coach Gary's house on Summit Ave in Cedar Knolls.
- Salem will be at Coach Ron's house on Karla Dr in Whippany.
- Stoneybrook will be at Coach Mike's house on Nye Ave in Whippany.
- Bee Meadow, Memorial (MJS) & Highland will be at Coach Jim's house on Sunset Dr in Whippany
- Brickyard Turf Flags will be at Coach Michael's house on Bee Meadow Pkwy in Whippany
If they are not in the driveway they will be directly behind the garages.
When returning flags do not leave them directly on the garage door. Place them on the wall by the garage doors.
New coaches:
If you’re the first team to play at one of our home fields it is your responsibility to pick up the flags and bring them to the field.
It is then the responsibility of the last team on that field to return the flags to their proper location .
To determine if you’re the first team to play you can go to our website and look at the game schedules on the home page.
Feel free to use the "Contact Us" section with any questions
The Hanover Soccer Club exclusively determines our fields openings and closures. On the calendar of daily events cancellations will be listed as well as on your teamsnap. We try to have field status posted by 3:00 pm daily and 8:00 am on weekends. As always coaches discretion applies as to whether or not a field is safe for play or practice.
In the event we need to close a field all Coaches, players & referees scheduled for that facility will receive a teamsnap update indicating the closure no less than one hour prior to the event. This applies to all games.

Coaching Requirements
Travel Coaches
- NJYS Background Check
- NJYS State Certificate
- Concussion Education
- SafeSport Training (Annual)
Recreational Coaches
- NJYS Background Check
- Concussion Education
- SafeSport Training

Please see the upper right hand box titled "Volunteer Coaches' S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic Schedule" of this Rutgers page (link below) to download the latest Rutgers SAFETY courses being offered in New Jersey.
This is one of the minimum requirement for volunteer coaches in the Recreation Soccer Program, NOT TRAVEL.

All Coaches and assistants are required to have a Rutgers Safety card & a background check to coach youth soccer.
To obtain a background check you must go to the Hanover Recreation Center and pick up the Kanka Foundation form from Denise Brennan, Superintendent of Recreation and Parks Administration between the hours 8:30-4:30 M-F, but please call first to make sure she is available, 973-428-2463. She will explain the process for making the appointment and form processing at pick up. You will be allowed to coach as long as you have scheduled your appointment.

Coaches, here is the link to where the State Certificate Formerly the NJYS F Course, courses are being offered. Pay close attention to when registration opens these courses fill up quickly.

All Coaches and assistants are required to take the concussion course. The link below will take you to the CDC Heads up online concussion course. Once completed print out the certificate and include it your paperwork for your coach's pass.